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In the year 2019-2020, Hong Kong was undergoing intensive social movement, that I have encountered many harsh moments both mentally and physically. Beneath all the mess, I found printmaking as a healing practise. The repeition and chemistry reaction sooth my tense nerves. My graduation work is a collection of printmake situated in a narrow aisle with a wooden chair in the end, illustrating my hopeless feelings on the efforts has made were all in vain. The magical attraction power of any chair that is able to invite people to sit reminiscent of the tendency of a commune working for the same goal no matter how effortless it was. The journey is a graceful progress as if dreaming narcissus but awakening as a lotus. And at last, I realized the sadness has to be come to an end. People should mourn for the loss with the celebration rituals. 

© 2024 by Jennifer Yue Yuen Yu. 

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