Yue Yuen Yu Jennifer
Angel Down
exhibited in IMPACT12 University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom
21.09.2022 - 25.09.2022
This work is a printmaking sculpture, a collaboration piece be done by 4 printmaking artists; Kylie CHUNG, Jessica CHAN, David Jasper WONG and Jennifer YUE, who contribute their own quality in it.
Under the social upheaval, our faith has shaken when humankind gives way to the storm of life. In search of our beliefs, people are striving to escape from the land we once owned. The sacredness inherent in those places is still lingering in the time and nature, even if the people are gone. Constructing a church effigy would gather our hopes and blessings. After our whole-hearted sacrifice, the fragility of our faith will be undergoing repeated change, destruction, and finally rebirth.
We collect sacred symbol within the city on prints and build a sacred church using the bamboo crafting technique, Zhizha, which generally perceived as a form of offering in funerals for the deceased. Zhizha are used to imitate the appearance of objects used by the living.